日本 Tea Garden Temple



There are many exciting attractions in San Francisco to enjoy; but when you want serenity, tranquility, and harmony, visit San Francisco's 日本 Tea Garden.

You’ll find this oasis in the heart of San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park. It’s one of the city’s quietest and best-kept corners. 复杂的设计和绿色植物让所有想要逃离嘈杂的城市生活的人平静下来. 这座花园也是日本境外最古老的日本公共花园, attracting visitors since 1894.


日本 Tea Garden History

1894年,加州举办了仲冬国际博览会. 在这个最初只有一英亩的地方,建造了一座日式花园.

After the fair, Makoto Hagiwara, a 日本 landscape architect, 负责将该物业作为永久花园进行维护. It became Hagiwara’s life’s passion. As the official caretaker, he lovingly planted, 往往, and cared for the trees and plants, 扩建这个杰作,直到它占地近五英亩. 这个花园里的一些树有一百多年的树龄了.

日本 Tea Garden Entrance

Tranquil Escape in the City

The 日本 Tea Garden is made of rock sculptures, “dry” or zen gardens, 日本 architectural structures, and waterfalls. 它的开放空间与树篱的紧密角落形成对比. There is a thoughtful design throughout, and the cultural influences are everywhere, from edges trimmed to resemble Mt. 斐济在日本的鼓桥几乎漂浮在反射水面下面. 

Highlights at the 日本 Tea Garden

入口处的正门是一件迷人的建筑. 请注意,它是精心制作的,没有使用钉子.

五层楼高的宝塔是园内不容错过的壮观建筑. It, 太, has its own history, 最初是为1915年的巴拿马太平洋国际展览而建造的.

漫步花园是你可以简单漫步的地方,在花木间穿行. Have a photo op on the historic Drum Bridge, 也被称为半月桥,因为它是新月形的. 

如果你正在沉思,重达9000磅的青铜和平之灯会让你平静下来. 这是二战结束时象征美日友谊的礼物.

另一个幸福的地方是佛像,它的手掌欢迎. 它有200多年的历史,1790年首次铸造,1949年赠送给花园.


日本-Inspired Snacks for Tea Time

漫步花园后,参观茶馆. Traditional tea and small snacks are served daily.

While the menu is often updated, 一些你应该尝试的常规产品包括甜年糕。, which have an interesting sticky, gummy texture and come in different flavors (strawberry, 芒果, green tea, and lychee), and dorayaki (a type of pancake with red bean filling). 在寒冷的日子里,品尝一些热味噌汤,或者用传统的乌冬面来抑制你对面条的渴望.

当然,你不能不品尝正宗的日本茶. Choose from Sencha (green tea), Genmaicha (roasted green tea), Hojicha (another roasted green tea), jasmine tea, or iced green tea. 还有专门的茶道抹茶(绿茶粉).

一定要去礼品店看看那些漂亮的纪念品, including glazed ceramic sets, traditional 日本 dolls, and collectibles for any well-traveled visitor.

How and When to Visit

日本茶园位于萩原茶园路75号, near the California Academy of Sciences, the de Young Museum, and the San Francisco Botanical Garden. 市政 公共汽车和轻轨可以让你接近金门公园的各个入口.

日本茶园全年开放,节假日也不例外. Summer hours (Mar. 1 - 10月. 31) are 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Winter hours (Nov. 1 - 2月. 28) are 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Admission to the Garden is $15 for adult non-residents, $7 for non-resident seniors and youths (age 12-17), and $3 for non-resident children (age 5-11). Children under 4 may enter for free. Tickets can be purchased at sfjapaneseteagarden.org.

Spring and autumn are gorgeous times to visit, but no matter which season you are in San Francisco, the bonsai grove, zen garden, and Tea House are popular.  

During the summer months of June, 7月, and August, 花园通常有更多的游客光顾,可能不那么宁静. 许多人认为一年中最好的旅游时间是春天. 3月中旬到4月,樱花、杜鹃花、木兰等将全彩绽放. 然而,秋天,它的火红和褪色的橙色色调,也是一个可爱的时间.

Aaron Danzig
Aaron Danzig

Aaron is the Manager of Digital & Social 媒体 Marketing at San Francisco Travel. 他在贝博体彩app生活了9年多,从事旅游工作 & Tourism for over 7 of those. 他经常在贝博体彩app湾区探险,寻找新的、独特的体验和美食! 

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