These Cruisy San Francisco Cafes Just Might Be the Gayest in the World | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩

These Cruisy San Francisco Cafes Just Might Be the Gayest in the World

在被倾倒的房子的海洋里, these select few have earned their popularity by creating a special space for the local 同性恋群体 community to thrive

贝博体彩app以 惊人的观点充满活力的夜生活,其 欢迎LBGTQ社区. 然而,经常被忽视的是它蓬勃发展的咖啡文化.

With more than 250 coffee shops within 49 square miles, you can tell locals love their daily grind. Some are so popular, they’ve grown from humble corner stores into national chains. You may recognize Philz那样, a major third-wave player that started in San Francisco. 或者皮特的? 这个诞生于伯克利的品牌是星巴克的竞争对手. 获得了像Chromatic这样的荣誉称号, 观察窗, 仪式, 和蓝瓶子, 仅举几个例子, San Franciscans are never more than a few blocks from the best brews in the world.

但有时候,这不仅仅是一杯好咖啡的问题,而是气氛的问题. Truth be told, cafes are as much about people-watching and meet-cutes as they are about the grounds. 这就是为什么在一片倾倒房屋的海洋里, these select few have earned their popularity by creating a special space for the local 同性恋群体 community to thrive.


飙升的 一家独立、环保的咖啡馆是否坐落在黄金地段 gayborhood 卡斯特罗街附近的人群观察点. 斯派克回馈给当地的非营利组织. 当你得到一杯美味, 斯派克的本地烘焙咖啡, 你在帮助他们支持有价值的事业.

在哪里享受你的咖啡: 在他们的人行道露台上喝一杯卡布奇诺, 或者带着你的杯子去多洛雷斯公园, 沿着19街走一小段. 这里的丘陵地区被当地人称为 同性恋海滩 因为这是一个完美的地方,可以看男孩和晒太阳.


For those who care more about what goes with their coffee than the coffee itself, 走到多洛雷斯公园的另一边参观 Tartine. 可能要排队,但值得等待. 塔廷以其对烘焙工艺的专注而闻名, 提供法国经典与创意的季节性创作. A true delight for gourmet foodies, francophones, and dessert people alike.

好胃口: 如果你还有更多的空间, make your way to Bi-Rite Creamery and treat yourself to a scoop of ice cream.


往北走,你会发现一家全天营业的古怪咖啡馆, 牛奶科幻. 不像教会区的许多受欢迎的咖啡馆, 单批次拒收牛奶, 倒咖啡的人喜欢创新 酿造技术 由奥克兰初创公司Ground Control创建. 牛奶科幻 strives to create a daytime space in a neighborhood saturated with nightclubs. 它定期举办艺术展览、变装表演等等.

杯后: Meander two blocks up Valencia Street to the bright orange multi-story mecca of all things vintage, 的东西. 一边徘徊在这杂乱无章的过道里, 黑人拥有的古董集体, 你一定会找到东西的, 或某人, 吸引你的眼球.


If you don’t like your coffee too vanilla, head on over to Folsom Street and visit 邪恶的理由. This cafe is more than just a place to get a great cup of coffee; this queer-owned-and-operated community space hosts a variety of workshops, 大口, 以及旨在将贝博体彩app怪癖者聚集在一起的混合者. 迎合的不仅仅是咖啡爱好者, 邪恶场地出售各种各样的恋物物品, 书, 还有当地的艺术品.

想要更多的? If you can’t find what you’re looking for, pop into neighboring shops Leather Etc. or Mr. 年代皮革 有更广泛的选择.


坐落在波尔克峡谷附近的跨区中心, 你会找到臀部的, 女性所, 正在崭露头角的贝博体彩app连锁店, . 它位于不起眼的拉金街, 就在著名的夜总会Divas附近, 为社区建设者提供一个愉快的聚会场所, 咖啡瘾君子, 和早午餐爱好者一样.

献上自制面包, 糕点, 早餐搭配赤道咖啡, 简 is a great spot to fuel up before exploring the many eclectic shops and eateries that line Larkin.

实地考察: A few blocks away, on Polk Street, you’ll come across Utsuwa Floral Design, a plant daddy’s dream. 走进这郁郁葱葱的地方, beautifully curated store will transport you to a tropical jungle in paradise.


Make your way up Polk Street to Russian Hill, and you will stumble upon 圣弗兰克. This bright, bi-level cafe’s minimalist atmosphere allows the coffee to stand out. 它确实脱颖而出了! The baristas make one of the best cups of coffee around, served with the utmost level of hospitality.

If you’re a coffee nerd with an appreciation for the finer things in life, this is your spot. 他们以道德的方式采购豆子, creating lasting relationships that empower farmers in disadvantaged communities, 他们的供应是完全透明的.

在哪里享受你的咖啡: 这次你得待在原地. 光是演讲本身就值得. 


No trip to San Francisco is complete without experiencing the buzzy neighborhood of 北海滩这里是最早的潮人——垮掉的一代的诞生地. 没有哪家咖啡馆能像这里这样浓缩垮掉派的精神 咖啡的里雅斯特. 这个标志性的, first-wave coffee shop sits uphill from the main drag but is still in the center of the action.

自1956年以来, 的里雅斯特咖啡馆一直是社会弃儿的避难所, 革命作家的踏足之地, 变革者的聚会场所. 喝杯浓缩咖啡, 开放”嚎叫,,作者是著名的酷儿活动家艾伦·金斯伯格, 感受空气中弥漫着的这座建筑的悠久历史.

在路上: Walk in the shoes of Jack Kerouac and make your way down Columbus Avenue to 城市的灯光, 专门出版世界文学的独立出版社, 艺术, 进步政治. If you bring your recently purchased book across the alley to Vesuvio’s Cafe, 酒保可能会奖励你一杯啤酒.

Philz那样 24号

在镇上走走,不难发现 Philz那样, the popular regional chain known for precise pour-overs served with fresh mint leaves. 你可以去他们在贝博体彩app的15家分店中的任何一家, but we strongly encourage you to visit the original Philz那样 24号 Street. 离伯纳尔高地只有一箭之遥, 在明亮繁华的拉丁文化区, 菲尔兹的第一家实体店也有与之相匹配的特点.

在哪里享受你的咖啡: 只要你喝完菲尔兹的酒, hit up Jelly Donut on South Van Ness and take a stroll around the neighborhood. 迷失在惊叹中 无数令人敬畏的壁画. 《贝博体彩app》(Calle 24)就是这种充满活力的例子, multicultural spirit that makes San Francisco one of the greatest cities on earth.


You may be wondering why this international brand made it onto this very “local” list. 但信不信由你, this specific location happens to be the epicenter of the 同性恋群体 community in San Francisco: at the iconic intersection of 18th and 卡斯特罗 Streets, just blocks from where Harvey Milk and friends wove their equality magic.

This place is about more than politics and history; it’s all about chatting up your choice of local hotties while standing in line, 拿着杯子, 在他们的人行道露台上观察人们.

接下来是什么? 如果你想调情,就去酒吧 注意 在市场上继续狂欢.

So, 下次你早上需要咖啡因提神的时候, 跳过无聊的街角商店,给这些顶级选择你的支持.


同性恋城市 你的同志旅行指南是去同志酒吧吗, 餐厅, 酒店和事件与评论, 无论你在哪里旅行,城市里的地图和照片. 点击这里查看我们

The 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky and the San Francisco Bay in the foreground.


第一个知道即将到来的活动和节日, 新餐馆, 特殊交易, 以及海湾边的城市里发生的一切.

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